Saturday, April 10, 2021


       Yesterday we took a road trip to Boston. I have not done any sort of road trip in a really long time. But there is some fancy, high-end pipe store there that Ethan wanted to go to (one of the most prestigious in the entire country or something like that) and a 75 miles trip just to go to a pipe store, even one with a really impressive inventory, is sort of extreme. Even for Ethan. But my friend Tamzyn recently moved to Massachusetts from Amsterdam, and I was really looking forward to meeting her in person. When Ethan first mentioned the store I asked Tam how far the shop was from her and it turns out it was only a few miles. Seemed perfect!
      The weather yesterday was absolutely perfect. Ethan, Travis and I headed out in late morning and got to Boston sometime after 11:00. We found the pipe shop, parked long enough to get photo proof of it for Ethan. Then Travis and I headed over to visit with Tamzyn and Teo. On the way I saw this cool graffiti and got a photo for Ethan. 
      After a couple of wrong turns (it is super easy to take the wrong turn in Boston, lol!) Travis and I arrived. Tam showed me her model horse collection while Travis hogged the bathroom. Travis's Thor got to meet Tam's doll that I forgot the name of. I know I have seen her in minis painting minis during NaMoPaiMo. 

      Due to traffic Ethan texted me shortly after we had arrived and we went to pick him up. Then we all (Ethan, Travis, Tamzyn, Teo and I) spent a lot of time in the park around the corner from their house. It was a really great day for it. There was some really interesting people and dog watching, tons of good conversation, and laughter. 
      We spent most of the day outside and socially distanced but did get a quick photo together. I should have remembered this when we were outside in the sun!
     Tamzyn gave me these 3 little kitties she made, and I love them! I think the one with the blond on it has to be Ethan, the one with the toy clearly is Travis. So the little smiley one in the middle is me. They are sitting on the table next to me being cute. 
     The drive home was fairly quick since we didn't hit any traffic on the way to the Mass Pike. I was sort of sleepy from all the sun but managed not to nap on the way home. It was a really excellent day and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Tamzyn and I have a lot more in common than just model horses. I am very glad to have a new "local" model horse friend. And extremely glad the good weather is here so outdoor visits are possible again.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have joined you. It sounds like a really fun day. I also have a Tamzyn kitty and I love it. <3
