Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Semi Live Sale Items and Format

     These are the items for the Field of Dolls Studio Semi-live sale. It will be this Saturday, 4/24/21 at 2:00pm ET. At 2:00 I will go live on my Facebook studio page. At 2:05 Group A items will go live (the photo will be posted) with claim codes. I will be doing the usual live sale stuff of making bags and letting people know whose claim was first. I will use the Facebook time stamps if necessary. 
     At 2:10 Group B will be posted, with the claim codes. To claim an item all you have to do is comment the claim code under the photo. That's it. 
Bareback pads $40 each

     Doing the sale this way may not be as fun to watch, I have no idea. It may actually end up being more fun. Being highly scheduled with groups being available at scheduled times, I may be able to keep the sales a bit shorter. Which will make it easier for a lot of people to watch. With items being available to claim at a specific time it makes it so everyone has access to the items at the same time. There is no lag due to slow internet. It will also keep people from trying to claim ahead of time, which will cut down on my frustration. I am pretty easy going and don't make a ton of rules, so it gets to be quite frustrating when people don't follow the few rules that I make. 
Micro Pouches $5 each

      I took the groups/scheduled post times idea from Terri Wright, and I think it is a good one. Another idea I am borrowing from Terri's sales is people are only allowed to claim 1 item from each group until the next group of items is up. So during the first 5 minutes of Group A being up, you can only choose one item. Once Group B is posted you can totally claim a second item from group A if any are still available. You are more than welcome to claim an item from each individual group. 
Micro pouches $5 each

       This is just going to be a small sale, to try out the format and see if I can get it to work. I already have all of the posts scheduled, but I need to see if I can see everything when it comes up (I should be able to) and go through the claims and so on. Maybe I will find I need a bit longer between posts, this is going to help me work out some kinks. 
Backpacks $25 each
     Some things with this sale will be exactly as they are with all of my other live sales. If you claim an item, after the sale I need you to send me a PM on my studio page (NOT email or on my personal page) with your paypal ID and the country you live in. Even if you are positive I have this. The reason is it gives me a list of who has contacted me and I go in order of that list for invoicing. I still have plenty of add on items and you are welcome to add them to any purchase you make during the semi-live sale. With having the contacts all in one place I start with the people who contacted me first and go from there. That way if I run out of any particular add ons people who claimed them first get first dibs (as it should be). It also saves me time not having to look up your info or switch to different places to see if I have a message. So even though it seems silly, please do it anyway. Payments for the sale are due by no later than May 1st. No time payments for this sale. 

Hoodie doll $200

       One more thing I would like to note. I understand that life happens and sometimes unforeseen financial things jump up and bite us. I don't bite, please communicate with me. If you need time payments (when they are offered, they are not for this sale) let me know ahead of time, not after the payment was due. Please don't make me chase you. I am not an unreasonable person and when you are sincerely trying to pay for your items, it shows. And I am really easy to get along with. But not if I have to chase you. Then I become mean and very well might ban you from future sales to save myself some stress headaches. Self care is important. 

     Please let me know if you have any questions or if something wasn't too clear about how this sale will run. I think this will be a good way to even up the playing field as much as is possible. I imagine there is still the potential for silly shenanigans, watching me drink seltzer, and hearing me sing the alphabet. Hopefully this will be fun for everyone. I guess we will find out, on a small scale on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck! Love those mini pouches -- a perfect miniature idea.
