Saturday, May 15, 2021


     Yesterday was a really good day. We had temperatures in the high 70's, lots of sunshine, and I got a lot done. I also got to wear $40,000 of jewelry. If I was a different kind of person that might have actually been more exciting than it was. But it felt exactly the same as wearing good quality costume jewelry. The ring was $20,000, and one of the other customers in the jewelry store said I needed to try it on (the store I go to is a lot of fun. The owner is a big part of why we go there). So I did. Fit perfectly. Then the owner walked by and draped the $20,000 bracelet over my wrist. So I laughed and asked if I could take a picture, which of course he said I could. I don't like the ring at all (I am not a fan of yellow gold) but the bracelet is pretty. Still, I don't need a $20,000 bracelet. I happen to be very fond of Swarovski bracelets (totally Crystal's fault) and those are much more affordable.
     The reason I was in the jewelry store was I decided I needed to finally get my rings resized. They have not fit in over a year and I miss wearing them. They were just way too loose and I was always afraid of losing them. Tony (the owner) said they would be done the same day, go do our errand and come back. So we went and did the errand, came back and the jeweler was still working on my rings. He said the platinum was so hard and it was taking extra time. Well, worth it. But it did mean waiting in the store for a bit. Which is dangerous. So sparkly! Anyway, I got to wear $40,000 of jewelry and I can wear my rings again. Good day. 
     I also did some more work on my custom horse (photos coming soon) and starting finally uploading some pics to Why the Chicken Crossed the Road photo show. It seems that June 11th is a super popular day. That is the last day to enter photos for the Breyerfest Best Customs contest, the last day to enter photos in Why the Chicken Crossed the Road, and the first day to start entering photos into Breyerfest Open. I better get moving on all of the things I need to finish!

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