Friday, May 14, 2021


     The seasons are changing again. That has to be part of what is wrong with me. I am exhausted a lot of the time and highly unmotivated. This doll took me 4 days to finish. There is no way a casual/working western doll should take me 4 days at this point. But I was tired. And unmotivated. 
      I did have some other things going on this past week that took some of my time, but honestly, a lot of my usual doll-work time was spent reading. There may have been some catnaps as well. I really have been super sleepy. 
      The end of the school year is always a little rough. There is so much testing, everyone is trying to cram in all of the last minute things that the kids need to know (or might need to know) on the state tests. We have been doing our best all year to keep the kids engaged, or even get them engaged, and remote learning is hard. Hybrid is even harder. A lot of the kids that really need to be in school are all remote, all the time. All of it makes me tired. 
      This doll should not have been a challenging one to make. I have made lots and lots of casual western dolls, plenty of removable chaps, and even a whole lot of removable helmets. Yet this doll took me a long while. I was not focused at all this past week. 
    But the doll is finally done and on her way home. It's also finally the weekend. It's supposed to be beautiful weather. I should see if I can find enough energy to go hiking. It would for sure be a nice weekend for being out in the woods. The forecast for next week looks really nice too. It is definitely Spring and is likely to lean towards Summer fairly quickly. But I am not cold and I am OK with that. Now if I can only adjust to the new season and stop being so sleepy all the time that would be amazing. 

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