Thursday, June 13, 2024

June Happenings

      I apparently don't have any doll photos or anything to share today. So you get to see my Christmas cactus in bloom. I think it's actually a crab cactus, which is a parent plant to the Christmas cactus or something like that. This is a recent photo. My plant doesn't know that it is June. I got this 9 years ago for my first paraprofessional appreciation day. It hasn't bloomed since then. I feel like this plant is tied to my emotional state. I have been (mostly) in a really great place lately. And my plants seem to know it. 

     So let's talk about me and plants. We have had an odd relationship. I have killed many plants in my life. I tried to keep them alive, I was just not good at it. But starting with the Christmas cactus I was able to keep succulents alive, and mostly healthy. In the past year I have gotten quite a lot of new plants. I did kill a couple of them (I have never yet kept an English Ivy alive) but my current count is 12 plants, only 3 of which are succulents. And two of them are rescues from the school. We had a lot of plants in the upper foyer that needed homes. I have a spider plant that is looking quite happy to have a somewhat larger pot, it was so root bound when I brought it home. And I rescued a rubber tree plant yesterday. I think it was a cutting someone put into a pot, I discovered it doesn't have roots. So I am going to see if I can keep that one alive. Twelve plants is probably good. I think I am out of places to put them anyway. Unless I build some shelves in front of the window. Which I am not against doing. I like plants. And they don't mind when I leave them to go to work. 

   Tomorrow is the last day of school for the year. I am ready for it. I love my job and I am tired, all at the same time. I need a break. And a really good nap. Tomorrow we only have a half day. At least some of our kids aren't even coming. There is a luncheon at 11:00, after the kids are all gone, and then a bunch of us are going out afterwards. That will be nice. I do like the adults at school. You have to be at least a bit weird to work at a middle school, at least to do it well, so there are a lot of people that are just as weird as I am. It's been really interesting the past two years. I went from really missing my people from the high school to being really comfortable with where I am. And really happy to be working with the people I am working with. 
    In non-school news, I have been making dolls. Of course I have been making dolls, lol. My trip to Kentucky is now less than a month away. At this very moment I have 29 sales dolls ready. And I least one partially started. And with only one more day of school I can work on a ridiculous amount of dolls and doll accessories. I am really thrilled that so many things I ordered for prizes (do you remember I mentioned the prize wheel? It's a reality, I have it!) have been coming in. I have to get them sorted the way I want them to be, and I am waiting on I think one more order to come in. I am so excited! I am still working out how I want to do the prizes and I will post more about it when I have it all finalized. I'm going to mull that over a little bit longer. 

    In case you missed it, I opened my order books last week. Not for long, I have no desire to take on too much and freak myself out. But if you had something that you really wanted me to make, that you really wanted input on, now would be the time to ask. The window is closing rapidly. I got a couple of orders done this week, and I have plans for what is getting made next week. Soon I may need to stop and focus on making some dolls to show in the Equilocity show. I want to put at least one doll in every class in the doll division. And I don't currently own all the types of dolls I need to do that. So basically I want to make some sales dolls that are going to be runway models before they get sold. And won't be available until Saturday night, lol.

    I think those are all the updates I have for the moment. I'm exhausted but still going. I have a good doll stock, but I want it to be bigger. And somehow I have managed to keep a whole bunch of plants alive. Good times. 

1 comment:

  1. To refer to your dolls as runway models made me laugh out loud. Immediately afterward the phrase 'runway stock' occurred to my warped brain. Oh man, what jokes could come out of this, I tremble to think. Good times.
