Monday, July 1, 2024

How is it July?

      I have not posted in a bit. I have been surprisingly busy. Not that being busy is an unusual state of being for me, but I seem to have been extra busy lately. Some of that could absolutely be that I leave for Breyerfest in 7 days. It could be that I opened my order books briefly. Hard to say. Currently it is just about 2:00 in the morning, I just finished a doll that I decided to make because I couldn't sleep, and I remembered I hadn't posted in a couple of weeks. And I will need to post at least once more before we leave next week. There is still so much to do! 
       So since it is very early on Tuesday morning, it's time for some random thoughts. I have been taking bachata and some salsa classes. I have wanted to learn bachata for about a year but never found a class that I thought I could really get to. But these are drop in classes and are always followed by a social dance. It has been amazing! I started mid May and have managed to go almost every week. I have learned so much in a short time! I also learn more during the social dances. I have picked up bits of merengue, kizomba, and reggaeton as well. I have met some really incredibly people and made quite a few new friends. This past Saturday, Travis and I went to a dance party at the home of one of these new friends. Not only was everyone nice to Travis, they made sure to include him. And it was in very natural ways. If they happened to be sitting next to him on the couch they would share their name and try to chat a bit (that didn't usually come to much). He danced with some people, and I never once had to worry if he was OK. He didn't even want to leave! I am glad that Travis is a part of our dance family. 
     Since friendship bracelets are apparently a thing at Breyerfest this year I decided I had to make some. I learned to make this style when I was 8. I found a YouTube tutorial for a sliding square knot so they are removable and have been making a handful every night. I am running out of floss so either I am almost done making bracelets or I need to get more floss. We'll see what happens with that. 
    Last week was the week of many appointments. In the waiting room at one of the offices they had these word searches. I thought that was the coolest thing! I did remember to bring a book but I grabbed a wordsearch and worked on that. It was a fun way to pass the time.
    Speaking of time, this is the mug I have been using most often lately for my afternoon coffee. I am a lot better at not doing too much for other people, or working too much, than I used to be. But it's a good reminder. Still, when a friend needed me to come help deal with a bad situation (moral support mostly) I took the time to go and help. It was a nice break too. I think I made 7 dolls last week. 
     The Breyerfest special run lists came out. I know I need another word in there to make that make sense but my brain is finally tired and I can't think of it. Anyway, these were the horses I was pulled for. I did one master list and it worked out very nicely. I got all of my top picks. I am not totally sure if I will keep them all, but these were the ones I was hoping to be drawn for. So I am quite pleased. 
     And in all things Breyerfest, my volunteer T-shirts arrived. I also realized they match my hair. I don't love wearing sleeves in the summer, but I only have to wear the shirt while I am judging at Resin Renaissance. Even though it's not black I really do love the color. 
     So those are my middle of the night musings for now. I have had some issues sleeping sometimes lately. Tonight I figured instead of just laying there, not sleeping, getting annoyed that I was still awake, I would just get up and make a doll. So I did. That also means I have already gotten 2 dolls finished this week Which is pretty awesome considering it's barely Tuesday. I think I was aiming to finish 6 this week. I need to figure out what else to make. I have no idea. I need to figure out packing, though I have a week, I have some time to work on that.  I guess I could start packing dolls and other sales stuff. I need to make a list to make sure I know all the random things I need to remember to bring that I only think of once in a while. There is so much to do still! And somehow it's July. I knew it was coming but it kind of snuck up on me. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this.
    Thanks for the heads up on t-shirt arrival. I was kind of forgetting that. Breyer goofed last year on the virtual runners' t-shirts. We'll see what happens this year.
