Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Horsefest the Aftermath

     When Travis and I got home at dark o'clock this morning, the only thing I did was make sure nothing had gotten broken. This morning though (or later on in the morning when the sun was up), it was time to start unpacking for real. I know that some people leave that, or parts of it, until much later, but I can't do it. I can't leave dishes in the sink, and basically if something needs doing, I do it. I might take all day, as I did today with getting to the dishes, but I will do it. This was the start of the unpacking. I haven't washed a dish in 8 days. Until today. It was great.
     This was the excitement that none of my bourbon or glassware had broken on the trip. 
     And this was a bunch of unwrapped resins and a lot of laundry sorted and ready to be washed. By the end of the day, all of the laundry was done, folded and put away. I don't like to leave things. I even went on a side quest and went through most of my clothes and pulled out stuff I just don't wear. I am sure there is more. There always is. 
     The beautiful custom zebra I bought suffered during the journey. She wasn't tacky, until she got wrapped up, and then she got tacky. The plastic she was wrapped in got stuck in her finish and made a mess. I am going to let her sit for several days and see if the tackiness goes away, and see if a coat or two of gloss will fix her up. She is such a cool zebra!
    I have most of my special runs, the set of event stablemates, and some other things in a box in the hands of USPS. That should be here Friday and then I can do a proper loot photo. Currently though, we are home, not well rested, but somewhat rested, the unpacking is finished, and now I just have to sort some stuff that I kind of just put into the studio without putting it away. Almost time for back to real life, but not just yet. More posts about horsefest are still to come!

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