Thursday, July 18, 2024

Resin Renaissance

     Last Thursday started the days where I had things I actually needed, or planned, to do, while I was in Kentucky. Thursday I judged performance at Resin Renaissance. In some ways, being asked to judge was what made me commit to going on the trip in the first place. I had been considering it, even strongly, but when Jackie asked me if I was still able to judge (I had forgotten she asked me to) I said yes. And then I was committed. And I am glad of it. 
     I was really looking forward to judging. I haven't judged at a live show since 2019. I was pleased to see I still remembered all the things I knew before. I was a little bit sad at how small the division was. I think the largest class had 4 entries. The smallest had zero. But there was a lot of lovely and creative entries and I am glad I got to judge them. Maybe Heather and Jackie will let me judge again and I might have a larger division. 
     I also showed some horses in the mini and the micro division. I was really tired and didn't take as many photos as I wanted, I also don't have the energy to label anything. So enjoy the show photos, all potentially in random order!


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