Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Listing Stuff is Hard

     After Horsefest I took a couple of weeks off from doll making. Then, I got into some commissions that I let sneak in and I worked on those for a bit. Now I am back to making whatever I feel like making but I often run into the same struggle; listing stuff is hard. In all actuality, listing stuff is not that hard. But getting even decent photos seems to be. And people do like to see at least decent photos of things they potentially might spend their money on. 
     Yesterday, after I finished up the last few details on several dolls, I got out my ring light and set up to take photos of all the dolls I currently have available. Guess what? My photos still are not great. Some of it, I think, was the number of dolls I needed to get photos of. Some of it, surely, was that I (again) didn't bother to get out my actual camera, and I just used my phone camera. Some of it was I had tacked up 2 horses and I really didn't want to do it. But people do like to see the dolls on horses, so I figured I should make the effort. It has been a long time since I tacked up a horse properly. I didn't enjoy it. I wonder if that is another sign that I don't really want to show anymore. I wonder if I am just still tired. I wonder if I ever liked tacking up horses or if that is just a necessary evil to get through to get to show in performance. It's hard to say. Anyway, I tacked up some horses and I took some photos, and it was all a super struggle. This morning I listed 3 dolls on Model Horse Connections and then went and hung out with Elecktra. We went to 2 different Spirit Halloween stores (basically identical to each other) and to Michael's to check out their Halloween stuff. Again. I still think August is the slightest bit early for Halloween decor, but people like to get a head start on things. And I also happen to really love Halloween so whatever. 
     All of that was to say I have a lot of dolls available and I know very well people are unlikely to buy them if they don't know that I have them available. And I don't really want to do 16 (I think there are 16 dolls) posts on MHC right now. Because I don't feel like doing that many posts and I don't really want to bury any other doll ads. So I figured I'd blog about them. And it has been a bit since I posted, so here we go. 
     I have 16 dolls currently for sale. English, Western, and a lovely driving doll. US shipping is $10 for 1-3 dolls. If you are interested in any of the dolls, or want to see more bad photos of them, please email me at International shipping, please email me for a quote. 
Driving doll $230

Tall cowboy with removable cutting chaps $275

hoodie doll $220

Purple Western pleasure doll $240

gaming doll (SOLD)

red and black western pleasure doll $240

pink and gold western pleasure doll $240

red roses western pleasure doll $240

short casual English doll (6" body) $220

upper level dressage doll $230

English hoodie doll with removable helmet $220 

burgundy jumper doll (SOLD)

casual English doll teal shirt and removable helmet (SOLD)

navy hunt seat doll (Lena) $230

Navy hunt seat doll $230

black coat hunt seat doll $230


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blogging is Hard

    At the beginning of August two of my friend's grandchildren were involved in a drive by shooting. Both of them are going to be fine, but they had to leave the home very quickly and ended up having to leave most of their belongings behind. There is a go-fund-me (which I posted on my Facebook a bit ago) to help by necessities for the kids. One of them, Ray-Lynn, is living with her grandmother, my friend. I met her a couple of months ago, and I had my dog-friend with me. Ray-Lynn immediately loved Jester and wanted to keep him. But he's not mine to give and I wouldn't give him away anyway. Though I did find this stuffed dog that looks a bit like Jester to give her. She had a large collection of stuffed animals and was only able to bring one with her. Now she can have a stuffed sort-of-Jester. I think Jester will be happy when sort-of-Jester is gone. He's not really sure what to think of it. 

     I have been working, at least a bit, but I have also been going out to dance, going to parties hosted by my dance friends, where there is more dancing, and I spend a lot of time tired now. I also seem to be getting fitter, though all I do is dance, my gym has been neglected. Every time I consider staying home from a party I remind myself that for many, many years, I wasn't invited at all. When I had my kids people assumed I wouldn't be able to go out, so I never got invited to go out, or to parties. It would have been nice to be asked. Travis has been coming to dance with me, and he loves it, and has been accepted by, and included in, the community. He also is included in pretty much all of the party invites, so I make sure that we go. Plus I have to get in all of the staying out late and fun now, because once school starts it's back to going to bed at 8:30 and only having maybe one day a week when I can go out and do fun things. The need to have a job sometimes really sucks. 
     I have been trying to find motivation to work, while also trying not to work too much. Summer, and the 3 vacation weeks we have during the school year, are about all the free time I have. I am trying to get in as much relaxation and fun as I can. I have been working though. The last couple of weeks I was working on some orders and, now that those are finished, I am back to making whatever comes into my head. The struggle this week was I had no idea what to make. So I started just making pieces. I made a bunch of chaps, haired a bunch of heads, and then started cutting out different pieces of clothing. 

     Today I worked on sewing the batch of clothing pieces I cut out, but all of a sudden, inspiration struck! I knew just what to make so I sewed the pieces I needed and made a western pleasure doll. I also dremeled a bunch of dolls, so I have them ready, and I got a lot of the clothes sewn that I cut out yesterday. I'm in a good place to get at least one more doll finished tomorrow, but maybe two, if I start early enough. At the very least I can probably finish one and a bit of another. So after struggling a bit to get much of anything done I am finally in a better groove with things. 

    I go back to work on the 27th and I really don't want to. Not that I don't love my job, I am just really currently loving not having to go. Plus I have no idea what to expect this coming year. The teacher I was working with, who was completely awesome and amazing, took a different job. I have no idea who we will get or if they will have the idea they need to "fix" our program. Which would be silly, our program is amazing and has done great things for all of our kids. I get that every teacher has their own way of doing things, but I don't know if we will get someone that thinks our program is broken. So I am struggling a bit with doll work and vaguely concerned about school. But I still have 13 days before I have to go back.