Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Stablemate Club

      Last year, I was all in with Breyer. I joined the Premier Club and the stablemate club, attended virtual Breyerfest, entered the Best Customs Contest, and more. At the end of the year I re-joined the Premier Club and the Stablemate club. Now that I am continuing on in the I-want-less-stuff mode, which usually has ended by this time of the year, I am stuck. 
     I can't remember who the first club stablemate model was this year, the little fighting stallion maybe, I still have him, in his box, for sale. I almost missed buying Phineas (that is this guy, isn't it?) because I didn't get the email that they were available and thought of it, luckily, 2 days before I had to purchase or lose out on the rest of the year. This is a really nice mold. I also don't need this model, so this one is also for sale. 
      I am for sure in a weird place as far as collecting. Just the other day (yesterday maybe) I was scrolling Facebook instead of working on dolls, and I saw a traditional scale Lola for sale. And I wanted her. And then I remembered that not only do I want to own less stuff, an unpainted model is a weird commitment. Either a commitment to have this unpainted model hanging out, giving you dirty looks about not getting it painted, or a commitment to prep and paint the model (lol, nope!) or send it out to be painted. Then it becomes a commitment not only to spend the money on the unpainted piece, but also on the finish work. Currently, I want to have less stuff, but more money. It just seems like the right thing to do, right at this time. 
     So I mentioned in the last paragraph that I was time-wasting on Facebook instead of working on dolls. I did actually intend to come home, have the smallest of timed naps, and then get to work on a doll. Then I scrolled for a while, napped for a bit, came on here to do a blog post... and then decided that I was NOT going to work on dolls. And that I was going to be OK with it. I also decided Tuesday was not a doll work day. So now, if I can talk myself into it, I will work today on dolls. And that is likely it since Travis and I usually go out and do things on Fridays these days. 
     That leads me to another struggle. If I am not making dolls, which I seem to do very little of these days, what am I supposed to talk about? This is my doll making blog, lol. Sure, I talk about other things as well, but I don't always have things to talk about, photos to use, and I definitely don't have time to put together posts that require research. I am in a weird place, kind of with everything. But I am working on working maybe a bit less. Which I think is good for me. 

1 comment:

timaru star ii said...

Weird places are all too common these days. I feel ya there. I'm glad to read whatever you want to write about. I will say I have unpainted horses because I like them that way. They are sculpture and art as well as characters in my herd, in addition to being tack models. So I don't think they will ever 'give me dirty looks.'