Thursday, August 8, 2019

National Friendship Day

      Sunday was Friendship Day. I thought it was drive WAY out of the way to pick up your friend day. Silly me. My aunt, Deb, messaged me on Saturday saying she and Yvonne were doing an estate sale and there was a ton of fabric and I should come and check it out. I need absolutely nothing (and didn't need the last 3 rounds of fabric I purchased, lol) but I love them so said I would stop by. Deb said they would be there Sunday too. Which is good, since Saturday turned out to be no-motivation-day and I literally lay around staring at the wall for part of the day. Seriously, too unmotivated to turn on the TV and find a new show to watch. 
     Anyway, I made some tiny tacos, which I talked about yesterday. And those got sold but the lady really wanted 12 tacos and I only had 6. I didn't think I would be able to talk myself into making more tacos, but Sunday morning I woke up thinking about making tiny food. And why not? 
    So I made plans with Crystal to pick her up to go to the estate sale (her house is WAY out of the way!) and then had some time to kill and decided to make and bake a bunch of tiny taco shells. I didn't pre-bake the ones from the first batch, but I thought it might help make them easier to assemble. 
     After we went to the estate sale we came back here to use the bathroom (no water in the other house, and we don't know anyone that lives there) and we really were that close to my house that it was super convenient to come home. It actually greatly amused me that I drove all the way out to Crystal's house to pick her up to drive almost all the way home to the estate sale. Anyway, Travis likes to hang out for way longer than necessary in the bathroom so I knew I had a bit of time and I chopped up some "meat" for the tacos and got that in. Then we went out to Sturbridge to buy ice cream. Because today was a gorgeous day to be out enjoying the weather. Even if that meant taking a long drive with the sunroof and windows open. 
     After we got ice cream, and I dropped Crystal off at home, we came back and I worked on getting the lettuce, then tomatoes, cheese and sauce into the tiny tacos. Tiny tacos have a lot of steps and sort of annoy me at times. But I replayed most of the last episode of Mares in Black and wasn't bothered at all by all the details. I do have a refreshed desire to work on my plan to get to Breyerfest some day. 
     After I finished putting a dozen tacos together I decided I had a need to make some burgers and hot dogs in rolls. So that happened. And I got everything baked. I am really pleased with these tiny food things. I am sort of thinking of making some grilled cheese or even PB&J. Or maybe I am now done with miniature food for awhile. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. 
     Ethan asked if there was going to be any dense chocolate cake to put the ice cream on. I said I could make a cake if he wanted. And I did. So when you make the super fast chocolate cake and bake it for 3 minutes and let it cool completely, it does in fact get dense and sort of hard. When you bake it for 2 and a half minutes and eat it while it is still hot, it is super amazing, soft, moist, did I mention super amazing? So what I did here was put down a piece of cake, topped it with peanut butter, then ice cream and then more peanut butter. And it was amazing. And I should stop eating like this or I bet I will be able to find all the weight I lost, lol! But if you are looking for a super fast, low carb, sugar free, gluten free cake, this is for you. It is not dairy free because of butter. But I imagine you could replace the butter with more coconut oil and still have basically the same cake. And it was awesome. Did I mention that?
     Crystal and I have already fallen back into old habits. We saw each other and took no photos. But we did just get a few just a few days ago. So I guess that can be forgiven. We did get to hang out for awhile and did some sort of different things. She had never been to an estate sale, and now she has. I don't think I have ever dragged her 30 miles to buy ice cream. Usually I reserve that sort of fun for just Travis and I. And Ethan once in awhile. But it was fun and she found some ice cream she could eat and there was happiness all around. Maybe tomorrow I will make more miniature food. Or maybe I will work on making some dolls. Or maybe I will do nothing, I will figure it out tomorrow. 

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