Saturday, June 6, 2020


      Today Travis turns 20 years old. And just like that, my babies really are not babies anymore. I have 2 kids in their 20's. Which is a very weird feeling. 
     I have tons of photos of Travis, but here is just a sampling of Travis photos over the years. He has always loved to play with books, movies and DVDs. He would take them off the shelves and stack them up and look at the covers. And when he got caught he just gave me an adorable smile and laughed. Travis has always looked at me, though for awhile I was the only one. 
     He was an incredibly cute baby and had a lot of awesome facial expressions that I was lucky to catch on film (these were taken with actual film cameras!)

His first dog was an electronic dog he got for his first birthday.
     His next dog was Abby. On her last day he gave her a hug and said goodbye. According to Travis Abby is still his dog. (I miss her too). 

Travis has always loved notebooks
And costumes. He has been a cowboy...
and a police officer.
He's been a doctor...
and a pirate.
He really likes being a pirate!
Travis has always liked to take people's hats.
I think he knows he looks awesome.
How could he not?
Boots were fair game too.
This must be his tough biker face.
     When Travis was 2 and a half he was diagnosed with autism. Early intervention was recommended and we got him signed up with the Westfield Infant and Toddler group.  Here is Travis with his speech therapist Laurie. Laurie now works at East Longmeadow High school so she gets to see Travis sometimes. Which is awesome!

Michelle was Travis's first OT, but then she went on maternity leave.
      The next OT was Christa (on the right). And Duarji (left) was a supervisor, I think. She actually came with us to Dr. McQuistan's office the day we got Travis's diagnosis. She held onto me while I cried. They were a fantastic group of people and we were lucky to have them helping us. 

Travis has tried a lot of things. He played his uncle's guitar. 
       He loved going out in my boat.
      He met Batman, Wonder Woman and the other guy I don't know, when we went to Comic Con. 
     He got to "drive" a firetruck.
And he has helped a lot around the house. 
Travis looks really good in a graduation cap. Whether he is little...
... or big. 
      We have had a lot of birthday parties. On Travis's 3rd birthday (not at the party) he cut his head open and got 6 stitches (his first). It was also the day he first opened his own presents. And he got really into it. 
We have definitely had lots of parties. 
and lots of cake. 
and cool gifts. 
        When Travis was small I brought the kids out to the barn where I used to lead trails and they did some pony rides.
      That seems to have started a lasting love of horses for Travis. I think he might get that from me. 
      The first firm decision Travis made was when he decided he wanted long hair. Haircuts were the first thing he ever said no to. It was a good choice, he looks good with long hair. 
I started teaching him to cook very early. 
And he continues to cook now. 
He's pretty good at it too. 
      While I was looking through these photos I was noticing something I never would have noticed if my friend Krista hadn't pointed it out one day. Travis is always looking. A lot of kids with autism won't look at the camera. Or people. Travis will do both. 
Not only will Travis look, but he will ham it up. He really does love having his picture taken!
And usually you will get a big smile. 
Unless his eyes are closed. 

     A lot of people with autism struggle to make connections. Sometimes it's because they don't understand people or because people don't understand them and don't know how to act towards them. Travis loves people and is very good at making connections. Sometimes he just wants to be near people, and that is enough for him. Then there are times when he wants a hug or to walk down the hall holding onto someone. Life with Travis has had a lot of challenges but it has also had millions of smiles, hugs and new experiences. I'm ready for a whole lot more! Happy Birthday Travis!


  1. I love this post. Happy Birthday, Travis!

  2. Happy birthday, Travis! Good work, Mama!

  3. What a fabulous post!!! Travis looks and sounds to be an amazing young man with the most fantastic parents to help him function in our strange world.
    Happy birthday Travis!!!

  4. Beautiful! Happy Birthday Travis -- you rock!

  5. OK, you have me bawling here, Anne. You are an awesome unicorn queen who casts glitter and sparkles wherever you go,
    and Travis is God's gift to you because He knows you will take care of him and love him. I am honored to have you as a friend. This blog was stellar fantastic heart grabbing and I read thru it several times, because it's the most awesome thing since rotten 2020 started. I am blest to know you.
