Friday, June 5, 2020

The Kid and the Pig

      I noticed when I was loading photos to write this blog that I forgot to put a title on yesterday's post. So the first sentence was the insanely long title. And no one told me. Maybe no one noticed. I have weird titles, why not a super long one that sort of starts to tell a story. 
      Anyway, I finished up an order for a youth doll yesterday. She was going to be for my live sale, I had already started the prep work. and then I got an order for a youth doll. So I made a new shirt and continued on as planned. I am hoping I can talk myself into making another youth doll for the sale. At least one, maybe two. I know that people do like them. They are just not fun to make. 
      Youth dolls become surprisingly more fun when they are riding on pigs. I love this pig. He needs a name. Apparently when I first posted about my fancy pig in a saddle I said she. Well... the pig has a lot going on underneath. But I have been informed that this is a barrow. You learn something new every day. Anyway, my cute pig needs a name. 
      I don't love doing pigtail braids, the process makes it like hairing the head twice, but the bows can be cute. I usually make them a bit smaller but the customer wanted larger bows, which some kids do wear in the show ring. And she does look cute. Hopefully I can talk myself into more youth dolls. I have another one started. And her clothes are cut out, so there is that. 
      Yesterday Ethan and I got some more house work done. It was not great. It was hot, Ethan was having some allergy issues. Definitely not one of the best days. Not too horrible. We finished up fairly early and it occurred to me that Travis had not been out of the house in a long time. He might have been outside a bit here and there, but he has not been out in a long while. So we went out. He came to Big Y with me and we went over the rules. You need to wear your mask. You need to keep your mask on. You need to not touch your mask. And don't touch anything in the store, just walk with me. And Travis was a rockstar. He could give lessons on how to wear a mask. The only time he touched his mask was to pull the ear loops over his ears when they slipped (there is a connecting strap in the back so the mask won't fall off, but sometimes the ear loops slip). After a quick trip to Big Y, where Travis stayed right with me, didn't touch anything, and also didn't remind me we were out of ketchup, we went through the carwash. Then we went for a ride for a bit with the sunroof and windows open. I asked Travis if he had fun and he said yes. I think he was happy to be doing some normal stuff again. Even if it was a quick trip to the grocery store. 

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