Monday, May 31, 2021
The Mini Shelf
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Struggles in the Cold

We're down to 11 days of school now. Tomorrow is the bio MCAS, so that is half the day. Finals are next week, and those days are all half days. And then our last day is the 15th, but I think students are just in for a half a day, and only if they need to make something up. Almost there. And it should warm up again.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
And Just Like That, I Have a New Horse
And then it was time for porch railing glamor shots! JT really does look nice in tack.
The left side of the neck is not my favorite. He’s a bit chonky. Not horrible or anything, just a bit. But he still looks good in tack.
I made this horse with one goal in mind, which was the customs contest. If I win, super! That would be fantastic. If I don’t that is OK too. Because now I have a new performance horse. And performance showing is my favorite part of model horse showing!
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Tiny and Awesome
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
I am Bidder #4
So Halestorm has a new parade set and soon I will need to get some proper show photos of him wearing it. But first I will have to make a doll. Obviously.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Mutton Busting
And enjoying a nice day
Thank you Elaine for allowing me to share your photos! If anyone else would like to share doll photos, show wins or whatever else, let me know! I am also definitely open to guest bloggers.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Field of Dolls Online Fall Prizes
It's a bit hard to see some of these items but we have horse head finger puppets, 3D unicorn erasers, unicorn keychains you can color and stickers.
Here we have unicorn plates, horse coloring books, unicorn suncatchers, and miniatures.
I do also have some other prizes on hand already as well. Things I have shared that were donated and things that I got for class prizes when I was getting prizes for the last show. I already have a pretty great start on prizes but I am always open to more! I will even come up with some show dates soon.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Getting it Done
With the 3 hoodie dolls and the flamingo western doll finished I had 3 orders I could move to the finished section of my order book. And I still had technically 2 days to work on dolls. Since my Best Customs entry needed Breyer dolls my plan was to quickly knock those out on Thursday and then have all of Friday off from doll work so I could have a 3 day weekend. It was a good plan and it almost worked.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
I Don’t Love Breyer Dolls
So that is everything you get. I am not sharing what I am doing for my contest entry. You know I customized a horse for performance and made some dolls. And that is all you get to know! I will of course share sooner or later.
Friday, May 21, 2021
The Big Reveal

So the horse is done and I also finished up some other things for my entry. I will share those tomorrow.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
The Whys and Hows
Recently I posted that the day’s post almost didn’t happen. Blogging is hard, my life is really busy, and sometimes I really just can’t think of anything to talk about. Blogging is hard, especially blogging every day. Jennifer Buxton also did a blog post with a similar theme. We both got an anonymous comment on the post saying that everyone would be understanding if we blogged less. Likely. Neither Jennifer or I, or any other blogger, owes anyone a post. This is true. Jennifer said that it is easier when it is part of your daily routine. She is not wrong. I would also add that while I do enjoy that people read and enjoy the blogs, the daily blogging is actually for me. In the same way that I wear makeup for myself. Sure, I like when other people enjoy my makeup, but I wear it because it makes me happy to see my art in the mirror. I also like knowing that I put in the effort and got a post up every single day. I don’t write a post every single day, I often do several at a time and schedule them, but knowing that I have consistently posted daily for over a year makes me happy. I also know myself. If I stop, that likely will be it. I will go back to once in awhile posting. It is super easy to just stop doing a thing. Like working out. I don’t remember the last time I worked off. I took a day off. And that was it. So while blogging IS hard, consistency makes it easier. And as always, I am definitely open to guest bloggers! I have only ever had 1 guest blogger. And that is not because I don’t want it.
So here are some ideas if you want to help me out but don’t know what to say. Did you get a new doll and you took some fun photos? Please share them! I will turn around and share them (with permission). Did you do really well in a photo show and you want to share? I will totally share that! Just want to talk about a new project? You can write about that too. I would love to post guest blogs.
That could have been a post all on its own, and I could have saved the rest of the forthcoming babble for another post. But I think I will talk about some donations. I still have not decided on dates for the Field of Dolls Online Fall show, but I already have the class list up and I am already gathering prizes! This batch of blankets and saddle pads was donated by Kathy Wood for the Spring show. But they arrived the Monday after the live results. So I will award them at the Fall show. They are really great, and the black and pink one... love it!Jessica Carini donated these stablemates to the show and they arrived the other day. They are super cool and I am really pleased to be able to add them to the prize offerings. It’s the continued generosity of donors that will keep the shows going, without me losing my mind (or going broke) over them.
I have a small project I want to get into, that will also require setting up dolls for cool photos. The project itself is super simple and I could be done in almost no time, but I want the cool doll photos. Hopefully soon I can find some time and motivation to get into that.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Dolls and Booze
I am making excellent progress with my doll work this week and I might take an extra day off. That could be fun. I might get the hooves finished on my custom horse or maybe get started on the Native American regalia I have planned. Or maybe I will stare at the wall and wonder what I should do. Hard to say. But I finally seem to be getting a bit of energy back and finding a bit of work verve. It's about time.