Monday, October 4, 2021

Ko-fi/Miniatures Club Update.

     Today was an excellent mail day! I got in my September micro from Maggie's monthly subscription and my micro Anise from Jennifer Scott. I also got a large variety of other things, including a ton of miniatures for the miniatures club. Super fun mail day!

      While I was sorting miniatures I realized I had a problem. I have 2 levels of the miniatures club,  the issue I see is that the miniatures for level 1 and level 2 are not the same. What if someone wanted all of the miniature options? The solution was to make a new tier. 

     Tier one is still $3 a month, does not come with a thank you gift, it is simply a wholehearted thank you from me. It is to help support the blog and I thoroughly appreciate it!

     Tier two is level one of the miniatures club, is $6 a month, and every 3 months I send you a thank you gift for your support. 

    Tier three is level two of the miniatures club, is $10 a month, and every 3 months I will send you  either an extra cool miniature (meaning, more expensive), two miniatures, or a hand made miniature.

    The new tier four is level three of the miniatures club, is $14 a month, and every 3 months I will send you all of the miniatures from both level one and level two of the club (so you get everything, but also get to save a bit of money). With this tier you will not miss out on any of the miniatures. 

     So basically this is still sort of like a PBS pledge drive. Do they still have those? Am I just old? I am hoping to bring in a bit of financial support to make it easier for me to keep on going with the blog. I have different donation levels, and several of them come with a thank you gift. Every donation is appreciated!

    If you want to change your monthly donation amount you can visit my Ko-Fi page and change it. I am not shipping the October miniatures just yet so there is time to change and still time to join. I am weird and I am going to ship in October, January, April and July. I am not making everyone wait until they have been making donations for 3 months. 

   One last reminder; due to insane international shipping charges, that are entirely outside of my control, international members of the club will have their miniatures shipped once a year.

  I have some really cool things for the club and I think it will be a lot of fun. After all, who doesn't like surprises coming in the mail!


Heather said...

Ko-fi lists Thanks, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3…there is no Level 4 …however Level 3 is $14.
So I just joined that as Ko-fi said it would drop the $10 Level automatically. Hope this is the
correct way to update! Thanks Anne!

Anne Field said...

Yes there are just the 4 tiers, the 3 top tiers come with quarterly gifts!

Anonymous said...

I would totally join, but with USPS no longer regularly delivering to NZ it feels like a slightly hopeless case. I'm glad you are finding a way to support what you love that isn't too hard :)