Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Horsefest Trip Day 1

      Up until today, Travis had never been on a plane. I was pretty sure he would like it, but I wasn't positive. It turns out I was correct, he LOVED the plane! I offered to let him watch a movie on my phone (a thing I never, ever do) and he said no, he just wanted to look out the window. I figured out almost immediately that I would not be looking out the window. Or even opening my eyes too much. 
     I spent most of the flight to Charlotte with my eyes closed and fighting some motion sickness. I have flown before (it has been a LONG time) and never had an issue. So my recommendation is if you have ever had any motion sickness, at all, just take some Dramamine. If you have to buy it at the airport it is super expensive. So is water. And we ended up in Charlotte for about 4 hours. Our original layover was supposed to be less than 2 hours but the flight was delayed. We did eventually snag a rocking chair for Travis to sit in. I sat on the floor because I just didn't care anymore. We spent way too much time in that airport and I was super tired. I just wanted to get on the plane and take a nap. 
       The AC in the plane to Lexington was making a whole bunch of fog, which was super weird. And the vent over me was dripping on me. And it was really cold! I think I am going to buy a blanket at Breyerfest. I am sure I have a use for a new blanket, other than not freezing to death on the plane. 
     Travis was still having a great time on the second flight and I was really happy with that. Takeoff and landing still sucked a little bit on the second flight, but the Dramamine did actually help. I could open my eyes a bit. 
     I even managed to look out the window a couple of times. The flight was pretty quick, we hung out in the plane waiting for them to put the gate up (yup, it wasn't there) and then we got our bag (not lost!) and we got the rental car. I love how everyone always asks if I am OK with an SUV and then they give me small SUVs, lol. Give me whatever, I will drive it. 
      As we were heading to get the suitcase I passed a bourbon store in the airport. So I had to go in. I didn't buy any bourbon, but I did buy this book. I haven't had a chance to even open it yet, but I am interested! Maybe I can find which bourbons I can only get in Kentucky. And then go hunt them down. 
     Speaking of bourbon, here is one of the bourbon vending machines in in our hotel. I am amused. I also didn't buy anything out of it (yet). I am just too tired. 
     After we checked in we went and did some errands. We got some things to make lunches and so on, got some dinner, and then decided to go to the CHIN for a bit. I found the CHIN carpet PAM that Carra wanted and picked that up for her. And that was all I bought today. Though I did take some pictures of things (and mark what room they were in) that I might have to go back for at some point. We didn't get lost in the hotel, but it is very weird and confusing. I am sure I must have missed a lot of hallways. We will go back tomorrow and see what there is to see. 
     Because of the delayed flight we only got to Kentucky at about 5:00, it took a while to get off the plane and out of the airport, so we didn't have a whole lot of day to explore or do anything. But I said to Travis, a couple of times, that we are in Kentucky. I am super excited about that. 


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it!

Braymere said...

I am super excited that you are in Kentucky, and I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!

Anonymous said...

You made it!

FWIW in my experience the flight attendants have blankets to lend, if you ask them. Maybe not on the smaller aircraft, though.