Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Horsefest Trip Heading Home

     This morning (yesterday morning) I decided we needed to actually go out for breakfast. And even though we can go to Cracker Barrel at home, that is where we went. Our server was really nice and the food was good. Plus it wasn't a sandwich, so that was nice. After breakfast (which actually happened at about noon) we went back to the hotel to finish packing up, to do the double check that we hadn't left anything behind, and then headed out to do some last minute wandering before going to the airport. 
    We got to the airport, returned the rental car, and went to check in for our flight. Even though we were almost 3 hours early because I couldn't figure out what else to do with our time. While we were waiting in line to check in I checked my texts and found out our flight was delayed! So now we were over 5 hours early for our flight. That sucked. I did double check what I was seeing with the American Airlines agent, he checked for other flights out of Charlotte that might get us to Hartford sooner, but there was nothing. Whatever, the biggest issue is how long we are now stuck in Lexington waiting to leave. But I do have to say, TSA in the Lexington airport takes those sunflower lanyards very seriously. They were all extra patient and extra nice to Travis. Though at this point Travis is basically a rockstar traveler and can follow all the instructions with only the tiniest delay. TSA actually complimented him on how well he followed the directions for the metal detector. I guess a lot of people can't handle that. 
    So we were sitting in the terminal and I looked across the way and found Robbie Ramirez! So now I have another airport buddy, but this one will talk to me. And it turns out we are on the same flight to Charlotte. What are the odds?

      Many hours later, after they delayed our flight 5 or 6 (or was is more?) times, we were still in the airport. Robbie was already going to miss his connection so he changed his flight all together and was going to be stuck until morning. That sucks! Travis was still awesome through all the waiting. 
     A plane! And this one was definitely for us. It was fun to watch it pull up to the terminal. More fun that they let us get on it. The flight was not very full, and when I chose the seats I chose carefully. Travis and I were all the way in the back with no one around us in the two rows next to us or the two rows in front of us. But everyone had a lot of space on that flight. 
    Once we got on the plane they announced that Charlotte was still under a weather advisory and we were going to sit on the tarmac for more than an hour. Airplanes are just not that comfortable. But the flight attendants gave us drinks and snacks right away, Travis faked a nap (he may have had an actual short nap) and he looked out the window. 
     And he continued to look out the window the entire flight. Something I discovered on this trip was that Travis LOVES flying. I asked him, more than once, if he wanted to watch a movie, listen to music, or look at his book. Nope, he wanted to look out the window. Even while we were just sitting on the tarmac waiting. I also happen to love flying, though mostly I enjoy takeoff (and with Dramamine right from the start I did enjoy it yesterday again). 
     With our multiple delays once we boarded in Lexington, and then a wait in Charlotte-Douglas to actually pull up to the terminal, we had 14 minutes to get to our connecting flight to Bradley. Travis and I are now those people that run through the airport! I was surprisingly calm about the whole thing. I figured if we missed it because we only had 14 minutes they would have to rebook us for free. Though I REALLY wanted to make that flight. Travis ended up towing me along at a few points. I reminded him I was just not as fast as he is, especially carrying stuff. His bags didn't hinder his speed in the least. He hooked arms with me and pulled me along. 
      We made it to our terminal, which had switched to a slightly closer one, and I was grateful, and got in line. There was no chance we could get on the plane first. So I started talking to Travis about the plane. I said we were going to get on it when there were already lots of people on it. He was totally fine. We got to the desk and had to go off to the side and wait. With all of the delays and rebookings they didn't actually have us properly booked on the flight and they needed to rebook us. So we ended up getting on the plane last. And I had to shoo someone out of Travis's seat. She thought the flight was closed and she could get a row to herself. Nope, Travis needs that window to look out of. The agent in Charlotte was actually quite super as well. She said she had him booked by the window, and me on the aisle, so he had more space. I still sat right next to him. And he looked out the window the entire time. 
     That flight was a little longer, about an hour and 40 minutes, we had some water and cookies and I took another nap. When we got to Bradley we deplaned when it was our turn, and we went to baggage. The luggage wasn't lost, we snagged it easily, and I checked my Breyerfest album to remember where we parked in the garage. We eventually found the car, got everything loaded, and $158 later (it ended up being 9 days of parking) we headed home. Finally. 
     We had a really good time in Kentucky, a really good time at horsefest, and it was amazing to see people I have never seen in person, or haven't seen in person in a very long time. Travis was a rockstar through 2 horseshows, a whole ton of hangouts, and so many long waits at airports. If you haven't figured it out, I started this post yesterday and am finishing up today. After sleeping. With all the delays it took around the same amount of time to get home as driving would have. The difference is I only had to drive for about 35 minutes instead of 13 hours. It has been probably 20 years I have wanted to go to Breyerfest and I finally got to do it. I have a whole bunch more posts planned, but first I need to unpack. 

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