Monday, July 22, 2024

People of Horsefest

      The absolute biggest reason I wanted to go to Breyerfest (which turned into me wanting to go to HORSEfest because it is SO much more than just Breyerfest) is the people. I wanted to see my crazy model horse friends that I had not seen for a long time or had only ever interacted with online. THIS was the part of online Breyerfest that I couldn't quite get ahold of (except that one year Marci Driscoll and I met up at the Brimfield flea market wearing our volunteer shirts and being stuck in a huge crowd of people) though I know some people have managed that better than I have. It was amazing to finally get to be part of the wild and varied human interaction that is in-person horsefest. So here we go, in no particular order, the people of horsefest! (That I managed to get pictures with). 
Travis and I, of course, with my new park-friend, Percy
Limdsay Diamond

Rachel Stacy

Heather Jackson-Lain
Tara Reich

Angelo Žunić

Stacy Faraci

Amanda Reed

Sara Roche

Kylee Parks

Mindy Berg

Robbie Ramirez

Jennifer Al-Beik

Vincent Lange

Lauren Wood

Tegan Leighton Davis

Lesli Kathman

Michelle Evans

Jennifer Arsuaga

Sharon Mossy

Susan Bensema Young

Anne Veeneman van der Weel (I apologize if I spelled it wrong)

Erin Corbett

Heather Malone

Bobbie Allen

Robin Briscoe

Angelo, Fabian, and I
Stephanie Blaylock
Travis again

Lisa Esping

Shannon Rodgers

Danielle Feldman

Jackie Rossi

Sara Bowman

Fabian Rodriguez

Kerri Gehrmann Johnson

Shauna McDaniel

Chris Wallbruch

Nikki Hertzog



ELauer said...

It's really nice to be able to put a face to a recognized name

Anonymous said...

Haha! I always get the giggles when I see my photo posted anywhere---but OH!! You got so many photos of people that I wish that I could have ran into! You also got photos of people that I do know as well!!
It was *so nice* meeting and talking with you and Travis in person!!
I empathize with you though!! It's been a week since Breyerfest has been over and I still haven't unpacked, cataloged, and put everything away yet!!

timaru star ii said...

Oh, man, Vincent was there and I missed him!! But thanks so much for this year's Rogue's Gallery. It's truly wonderful to connect faces and names.

Braymere said...

Love this!