Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Variety of Things

     I wonder how many people won't read this post because it looks like it is about running. Which it is, but only a little bit. The other day, Friday actually, I went to LHS to run. Partially because I reminded myself that I needed to at least sort of train for the Breyerfest 5K and partially because I needed to think, and running sure does help me think. So I went to the track, with the plan of just running a mile. But I actually remembered to put Strava on, and the mile wasn't bad at all, so I just kept going. And then a bit more. So two miles, and it didn't take overly long to do it. As you can see, I averaged about a 15  minute mile, which is actually pretty sad because I can WALK a 15 minute mile. But I don't really much care. I did my thinking, I got myself a bit tired, I got in one really excellent sprint (I am so not a distance runner!) and I only had mild shin-splints at the end of it. Good times. 
      Friday was also the day I remembered that I meant to put flowers on my grandparents graves... which was something I decided in the Fall and meant to do in the Spring. So I went and got some red petunias, and I got some for the front of my house as well. I have these iron plant holder things, there should be flowers in them. And my house is black and white so it is begging for red flowers. I have no clue if I used the coconut fiber stuff correctly, but the flowers look good. I am attempting to keep plants alive that are not succulents. I am doing fairly well, I think, so far. But time will tell. 
    My studio gets ridiculously hot if the temperature outside is anything other than just moderate, so I did not go into the studio during the day on Friday. It was about 92 outside, which meant that no amount of fan was going to help make that room comfortable. In the evening, I did pull out a bunch of doll stuff to work on it in the living room. I know, I got myself a studio and then worked in another room anyway, lol. But I watched a movie (Venom) and I had a good time. But I have to say, once you actually have a studio set up, working outside of the studio is a lot more challenging! I had to keep going to get a tool or a thing I had forgotten. 
     Saturday I also did a bunch of work on dolls sitting on my couch (I was watching Vikings this time) and then went into the studio to get the painting done on the dolls. My Prismacolor marker still had not arrived so I needed to paint boot bottoms. And faces. I got those things taken care of, finished making a removable helmet, and had a couple more casual English dolls finished. And they are also already sold. I have one more in the works, I think she is going to be a tattooed doll, and then I need to decide what I want to make after that. I am enjoying making the casual English dolls though. And they keep selling, so maybe I will make more. We'll see. 
     I had a fairly productive week, I think with the 2 dolls I finished yesterday that makes 4 finished this week. I did not push myself super hard to get them done, so that was nice too. Summer is going well, and I am keeping up with things fairly effortlessly. I have no idea if that will be the same when school starts for real in the Fall. But for now, I have a few hours a day of school, then the afternoon to do whatever I want, and Fridays off. And I seem to be getting a lot done! Which is exciting because I usually get very unmotivated when the seasons change. This time, I seem to be doing just fine. 


Braymere said...

I read every post, regardless of topic <3

Anonymous said...

I do too--so there!! Haha!