Sunday, July 16, 2023

FOMO Follow Up

    You know what is an excellent remedy for FOMO? Being really busy and feeling like crap. I did both those things this weekend. Friday felt like about 3 days. So much so that when I woke up Saturday morning I had to think really hard, for longer than I care to admit, about what day it was. I think Friday was a good day. I know I did a lot of things, there was an(other) epic storm... yeah, I can't think what I did for a lot of Friday. I know I had a coffee date with Travis. Likely I did other things as well. 
    Saturday I decided I was most definitely going to the Brimfield Flea Market. If you don't know what that is, look it up. It's ginormous. Ethan and I were going to go on Friday, but it immediately started downpouring instead. So we just hung out until the rain (and the road flooding) eased a bit. Then we went out to lunch and to a music shop that was basically right next to the restaurant. Silly not to stop when it's right there, lol. I watched Ethan play several guitars. It was nice. So that was something else that happened on Friday. Anyway, Saturday morning I did a load of laundry and then Travis and I dropped a package at the post office and then went to the flea market. It was HOT. Now, I am not the type of person that thinks 81 degrees is hot. But it was 81 and it was hot. It was also 70% humidity and the air felt incredibly close even though we were outside. And the sun was out. We haven't seen the sun much lately, I am not used to it. I tried, so many times, to get Travis to walk slower. I just wanted to stroll through the flea market. Why wasn't there water anywhere? Why was it so HOT? I guess I was sympathetically in Kentucky with everyone at Breyerfest. Though our storms were Friday and Sunday. Saturday I think I just spent too much time out in the sun (though it was only a couple of hours) and didn't hydrate enough. Because I couldn't find anyone selling water. There are ALWAYS people selling water! So yeah, maybe the sun or the heat and humidity got to me. When we got home I put in more laundry and took a nap. And then I struggled against the nap all afternoon, feeling sort of crappy. Maybe from too much sun or maybe from too much nap. 
    Sunday morning I woke up to rain. Actually, it was another pretty awesome thunderstorm. And the realization that it was in fact Sunday. And the realization that there was no way I was going out to run my virtual 5K in the rain. I am not that dedicated. And I still kind of felt a bit crappy. This nice picture of me in the woods was from the end of June. Oh, I just remembered, I also went and got my hair done on Friday. And have yet to get a photo. It's NOT pink... but that is all you get for now!
    I did log in to the Breyer website a couple of times. I went and looked in the store on Friday afternoon or evening, but a ton of stuff was sold out. I looked again Saturday morning and the stuff was still sold out. I saw on FB that Breyer wasn't restocking the online store, and I realized I didn't care because there was nothing I actually wanted that much. I checked to see which special run I was drawn for (on Friday) saw it was the Stagecoach surprise, went to Facebook to find out what the surprise model was before I committed, saw it was Hamilton and still waited until Saturday to buy it. I do actually like some of the colors. I don't actually own a Hamilton. I might think about keeping him, depending on color. But we'll see. I do love surprise models. Even when I know the model (which I always know before my models arrive since I am not there) but I don't ever know what color I will get. Kind of like my volunteer model. I don't know what color I will get. I actually like the bay. I have my doubts on keeping him though. I am not an OF collector. This Breyerfest I acted like someone who is not an OF collector. My wallet was proud of me. Then I went out and bought several more tarot decks. Did you know I collect tarot cards? Yeah, I have 30ish tarot and oracle decks. The art is amazing! Which is usually what draws me to buy a deck. 
     So how did I actually beat the FOMO? I didn't, it just sort of happened on it's own. I watched maybe 2 minutes of the live broadcast, but didn't have time or interest to really sit and pay attention. I watched most of Lynn Isenbarger's workshop on making a live show apron. The audio seemed super quiet so I put on a minute of my workshop. Nope, also quiet, it's my computer. So I need to get some speakers if I want to properly hear anything from this thing. Anyway, I didn't really find time to sit and watch any of the workshops, I didn't watch any of the demos, I did watch part of the live auction. The Pegasus was incredibly anticlimactic. I think the auctioneer thought so too. Not that $23,000 is anything to sneeze at, but that was how it started. Some of those models were really nice. I really liked the Strapless. Not that I had $10,000 (or was it $12,000? I forget) to spend on an OF model. I am trying to figure out if I want to spend $55 on the midyear release Strapless. I like the color. But I already have a Strapless. And I am not really into congas so much these days. 
     Anyway, I realized, again, that what I am missing from Breyerfest is not Breyerfest itself. I love horses, but I can watch horse movies, or a whole ton of episodes of Dr. Quinn if I want to see horses. I am not overly into OF models and to find custom pieces you mostly have to be there. Anyway, I figured out that what I am actually missing about Breyerfest is the chance to meet people. That's really all I want out of it. I don't really want to go and hang out in hot and humid weather, not that we don't get that here, but it's not enjoyable, I hate sunblock... likely I will just buy an awesome parasol. That sounds like a better idea. And then I will mostly plan on doing no activities so I can meet people at Breyerfest. Though maybe it would be best to make plans to try to meet people. Or I could end up wandering Breyerfest alone (with Travis). 
     So I am tentatively, and somewhat more than tentatively, planning on going to Breyerfest next year. I have already started some of the research for the how to get there. I have talked to friends who have gone and tried to figure out where to stay since it is unlikely I can get a room at the CHIN. I did also call the CHIN today, as soon as I had the dates for Breyerfest, and was told when to call back to get on the wait list. I may or may not have set a calendar reminder in my phone. (I did). I may have already talked to someone about selling out of their room if I can't get my own room at the CHIN. These are things I potentially did this weekend instead of participating much in virtual Breyerfest. I need to have things as figured out as I can otherwise the idea of doing something so new will cripple me into doing nothing. Though there are a number of people who know that when I really and truly decide to do something I make it happen. Even if it's scary.
      I meant to share this photo before and forgot I had it. This is just simply my really cool marble tissue paper that I use to wrap dolls for shipping, with a cute horse sticker. I can't find my pink thank you stickers. I have no idea where I put them and I sort of gave up looking for them when I came up with this new idea. I have a ton of sticker sheets left over from the Field of Dolls Online show. And I can't think of a better way to use up a whole ton of horse stickers!

      I am feel a little bit bad that I didn't do any work on dolls this weekend. But I did kind of feel like crap for a lot of it. Maybe tomorrow I can get the casual doll finished that I am working on. She's another tattoo doll, since someone threw that out as an idea of what I should do. So I will hopefully get her finished up tomorrow and can get her listed. And then I need to figure out what other dolls to make this week. I kind of want to do western dolls, but I seem to not be able to find hats of the proper size! It's scary! Anyone who does 3D printing, please let me know if you print Yvonne sized western hats.

1 comment:

timaru star ii said...

Wow, you had a time! While I am a fan of naps, if you're dehydrated that would surely spoil the effect. Drink more; I've seen too many old ladies suffer from dehydration. It can kill you, not to put too fine a point on it...

Great use of stickers. Better than keeping them in a scrapbook, which is what I do with mine.

While I did run the 5K, I did it on my own time and not in the rain. I think you were right to excuse yourself when the weather was so bad.

Please take more care of your fingers! A cut like that is a sure sign you're unhappy about something. I hope you can heal swiftly and well.