Monday, July 24, 2023

You Can Only Do What You Can Do

        It is really easy to get mentally bogged down with the amount of things you can do or get done. Some people are really great at doing very little and it doesn't bother them. I am not one of those people. I need to be doing things. Not constantly, I do waste my fair share of time, but going to work and then going home and doing whatever I want has really never been part of my life. I am used to being busy most of the time, and when I am unproductive it gets to me. For the last couple of weeks I have been dealing with insurance stuff for Travis. And it has taken a ridiculous amount of time. I felt I was very unproductive, because I was very unproductive. I wasn't able to do recreational things, because I was on the phone (often on hold) or filling out paperwork, or driving to drop off paperwork. So it wasn't even like I was being unproductive for fun reasons. It was rough. But I have done all that I can do at this point and it is out of my hands. I can only do what I can do. And it should turn out just fine for him, there is no reason Travis should not qualify for the type of insurance he needs to attend his day program, but I can only do what I can do. And I have done all that is in my power. And now I need to just wait. 
      So I went from being super unproductive to really wanting to try to get some stuff done. I think it was Thursday afternoon or evening I finally got started on some dolls. That is very late in the week, for me, to be starting on things. But there is no reason I can't start at any time at all, so I did. I got out the new Dremel and went on the porch and prepped some dolls. And I took note that the enclosed porch is going to be amazing in bad weather, which we already have plenty of rain, so I can prep dolls, or horses if I choose, in any season. I like that. I think after I prepped the dolls I watched a movie, cut out some doll clothes and haired some heads. It was not a lot, but it was better than nothing. And I think the Dremeling actually happened on Friday morning. 
    Yes, that sounds right. I cut out doll clothes and started hairing heads on Thursday night and decided that Friday was going to be a big workday. Right up until Travis got home, of course, because Friday afternoon he and I have a coffee date. You don't mess with the coffee date unless you have an extremely good reason. So Friday morning I Dremeled a bunch of dolls, before the porch got too hot, and then I went into the studio and got the clothes sewn. I was going to do more... but then decided to go and see my friend in Connecticut. That sounded like a way better idea than working on dolls. Sometimes I am my own worst enemy when it comes to productivity. 
     So I went to Connecticut and came home in another crazy rainstorm that was so intense that we had to slow way down on the highway because no one could see. We have had A LOT of rain lately. And a lot of the storms have been just wild. I made it home safely and waited for Travis to get home. Then he and I went and had our coffee date, he chose his book for the week, and we went and did some errands after that. It was nice. 
     After supper on Friday I decided I felt like doing some doll work. And, since I had the extension cord and power strip I needed to turn the TV on in the studio, I did that. I moved the TV from my bedroom into my studio, because I realized I really don't watch TV in my bedroom. And I miss watching/listening to shows while I work. So I did that, and the TV is kind of big for how close I am to it (why do they make most of the TVs so ginormous these days? Even the "small" ones are not really small!) I had a good time watching Supernatural and starting to dress the dolls. And I got another chunk of things done. 
     Saturday at some point I decided to get back into the studio. I think I only managed to get most of the boots (no bottoms) on two dolls, and maybe work on hairing a bit, but I don't remember. That was all I managed that day. But a little bit of something is better than nothing. I was very tired and kind of unmotivated on Saturday. And really, there are days when you can't do all that much. It happens. To me. 
    Sunday morning... I don't remember what I did on Sunday morning. I may have gotten a late start to the day, I don't remember. But Sunday afternoon (maybe just before noon...) I decided to get some more work done in the studio. It was of moderate temperature outside so I figured with the fans on the studio wouldn't be too bad. And I was right. I put on Supernatural again and I got to work. I started by putting the boots (no bottoms) on the other 2 dolls I had in the works. It was a good start to the workday. Then I got to bottoms on the two pairs of English boots and then the western boots. I don't have to color the boot bottoms for the western boots, so they are marginally easier to do. 
      Once the boots were on all the dolls it was time to move on to belts. I had 3 of those to get done, so it seemed like a good thing to do next. I don't always put belts on casual English dolls, but it seemed like a nice idea, so I did it this time. And I am glad that I did. 
         I believe painting faces followed the belt making, and I kind of didn't want to do it, but I was getting really close to done with the dolls at this point. Close to done is relative, lol, they all still needed a bunch of stuff, but I kept on going. Every doll gets to a point where I can usually just talk myself into continuing because they are close to done. 
     Once I had all the faces painted I decided that I wanted to paint on the western pleasure top. I had actually had no idea what I wanted to do for that doll. I chose the colors and that was as far as I had gotten. But I decided to paint some swirly stuff. Which actually turned into more like a branch pattern. And I really like how it came out!
    Once I was done with paint it was time for studs and crystals, which didn't take a super long time. I found some hats, altered one to fit a bit better, got some helmets for the English girls, and then they were done. And I immediately left the studio. I didn't take a single photo then. I had spent enough time with the dolls at that point and I needed a break. 
     Sometime in the early evening I reminded myself that no one can buy a doll if they don't know they exist. So I got some photos, and since I purchased a horse recently (two actually... I got this guy for an amazing price from a guy on MH$P but I was also bidding on one on ebay, which I won. If anyone needs this particular horse, I have one who can be for sale) I got photos of the dolls actually sitting on a horse. No tack or anything wild like that, but maybe next time. Anyway, the dolls went up on Instagram and were cross posted to my studio page on Facebook. But I will offer them here as well. If you want to purchase any of these dolls please send me an email to

Western pleasure doll- 240
casual western doll- 220 SOLD
casual English doll (black shirt)- 220 SOLD
casual English doll (gray shirt)- 220

Shipping is $10 to US addresses and everywhere else will be more. If anyone has suggestions of what they might want to see me make please let me know. Though I think there might be more western dolls coming up. I got some hats in today which are basically perfect! Just like the hats I used to be able to buy. I kind of want to buy a bunch more while I can. 

1 comment:

timaru star ii said...

Somehow this makes me want to visit you more. // I was just visiting a friend and showing off my Wells, the first Gerhardt Shire I've had. She had a Yuletide bay,... the same as you're depicting.

I've reached an age (stage?) where naps are important for productivity and health. Don't beat up on yourself too badly. It seems to me you're making progress anyway, through a tough time.