I am sort of impressed with myself. I managed to get the OF photos from
Quabbin Valley uploaded and blogged about last night and this morning I have managed to get the CM photos uploaded as well.
Yay for getting things done!
First up was the stock horse division. This is my Bold Endeavor resin, Cloud Dancing. He is wearing a saddle by Pam Perkins and the doll was dressed by me and has a sculpted head by
Liesl Dalpe. Cloud Dancing only did 2 classes in the Stock horse division and they were other stock work where he got 5
th with his team penning entry...

and non-competitive (ranch scenes) where he got 4
th with this scene of moving the herd.

Up next was the western division and the doll was switched out for my casual doll. I had a natural trail entry but either I missed the photo or just can't find it. We got 3rd place with that entry.
Next was Arena trail and the doll was switched again, this time to the "me" doll made by Joan
Yount. We got first place with this box entry.

Next was western games and I was so thrilled to finally do well with this 2 barrels and a pole game. The idea and reference photos were from Jennifer
Buxton's blog. I would post a link but I can't ever find the right blog when I am looking for it. Anyway, the games entry got 1st place!

Next was the other western class and Cloud Dancing got 1st with his western riding entry.

Now we need to switch horses for a moment to talk about my new horse, Flash in the Sky. She is a Matriarch resin painted by Joan
Yount, wearing a western set made by Jennifer
Buxton a saddle pad I borrowed from my friend Linda White and my cheetah print parade doll. Perhaps it was the mixed, non-matching gear that did her in. Or perhaps I was not too careful with set-ups. And I just now realized why I couldn't find the natural trail entry for Cloud Dancing, it's because Flash in the Sky did that class,
lol. For natural trail she got 3rd, for Arena trail she got 4
th and for pleasure she got 6
th. Not a great start to her show career but she is very pretty and will probably be a halter horse. And sooner or later she will have gear that matches and an owner that pays more attention to detail and then perhaps she will do better. I enjoyed looking at her all day anyway.

Now we need to switch back to Cloud Dancing who actually did very well in western pleasure getting 2
nd place.

That was the end of the CM western division and Cloud Dancing received the championship!

The next section was the other performance section. First up was Showmanship which is one of my favorite classes (and yet I skipped it in OF...). Cloud Dancing got 1st place for his set-up

The next class in the other division was "scene". Cloud Dancing was in a bareback pony ride scene and that earned him 1st place as well.

next was generic performance and Cloud Dancing got second place with this auction set-up...

Which was enough to bump him up to Champion for the other performance section.

The next section was sport horse but Cloud Dancing only did one class and that was Dressage. He got third with this salute. The judge said she absolutely loved it and would have placed it higher but she likes to see the bridle numbers. I have one and forgot to put it on. I knew I forgot something.

The next section was the English performance division. The first class was games and Cloud Dancing is now wearing a tack set made by Lauren
Islip, a saddle pad made by me and finally a doll I made as well. This tennis ball relay entry got 2
nd place.

Next was the other English performance class and Cloud Dancing thought about doing therapeutic riding but I just didn't have time to fix the tack. So he did a riding lesson and got his OF friend, Lady Intrigue, to come and play as a prop horse. The hunt seat tack on Lady Intrigue was made by Jennifer
Buxton, the hunt seat doll and casual doll in the flowered shirt were made by Joan
Yount and the casual doll in the blue sweater was made by me.

Dancing's natural trail entry "out for a walk with the dogs" got him 2
nd place.

I borrowed this gate from a new show friend, Jenna (can't remember her last name) and Cloud Dancing got 1st place with his arena trail entry.

All together it was worth champion in CM English

Last was the CM costume division. First up was Native American costume. I absolutely adore this new set of mine (still don't know who made it) and Cloud Dancing looked very nice in it. The judge thought so too, she gave it 1st place.

I had a parade entry for Cloud Dancing but didn't manage to get a photo. It was sort of like cheating anyway since there was only the one entry in the class AND I could not get the bridle to fit because his head is bigger than
Skippa Latte's (my OF
Breyer Partygirl). I put down a card that said it was
bridless parade. I don't think that would fly in real life. Maybe in an arena class, who knows.
The last class of the day for me was the CM other costume class. Cloud Dancing went in again this time dressed as Harry Potter. He got first and then moved onto get champion of the CM costume division. All in all it was a very fun day.
To top off the excitement of awards for the day Cloud Dancing managed to get enough cards to round out his numbers of cards for his
NAMHSA performance versatility award. I wrote to the merit award coordinator and asked if he would actually be
eligible for the award having earned all the cards he needed (plus some extra) in just 2 shows. The MAC said that there was no rule saying how many shows you needed to enter, just that only 2 cards per class per show could be used. She also said she looked forward to seeing the horse that earned the
PV award in only 2 shows as she also likes horses that can do it all. But now Cloud Dancing needs a new goal :)
Thank you so much for showing us your photos! I have a Bold Endeavor and it's so hard to come up with stuff that works for him as judges so often want to see movement. And congratulations on all that showing. You must have been flinging tack on and off every few seconds!
Actually I showed him in one Western set and one English set. The only craziness came during the costume division when he had to get changed 3 times all all (but the last) were pretty elaborate costumes :)
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