Friday, March 8, 2024

What Happened?

     I realize that I have been blogger MIA for over a month now. I thought about writing a post a few times but I was very busy, still am very busy, and I just didn't have time. Even when I had things to post photos of, or things to talk about, I just didn't have time. 

     I have been working a lot because I am trying to stick to a good work schedule, and I am trying to take care of some financial stuff, so blogging has needed to take a bit of a backseat. I am hoping soon I can find some more time to babble about things to you all more regularly again. 

    Today though, I was angrier than I have been in a very long time and I want to talk about it. There was an incident at school which just leaves me baffled about what is happened to our society. Because this sort of thing is not an isolated incident. The smallest bit of backstory here. Yesterday we had class meetings where the person who is doing her practicum to be an assistant principal (she is going to be amazing!) led the class meetings and went over several things with the kids that really should not have had to be said, but definitely needed to be said. About how school is a professional setting, and when you are in school you should use professional language. That doesn't mean you have to use a bunch of big words, but the way you speak to your teachers and classmates in school shouldn't be how you talk to your friends when you are hanging out. Almost every other word from so many of these kids is profanity. They were also reminded that they need to respect everyone in the school. Themselves, their classmates, and every adult, even if they don't know them. The behavior is off the charts. The cafeteria is a madhouse with kids screaming and screeching at each other. Like, not even words half the time, just being loud at their friends and the friend responding with another loud non-word. Or swearing. So yes, just yesterday the kids were reminded about their behavior, their language, and so on. 

    I was going to print some stuff and a kid comes running out of a classroom and kicks at a kid, then another, and then runs across the hall and tries to punch a girl in the face. So of course I told him, quite sternly to knock it off. He immediately starts swearing at me says he doesn't know me (so?) and he kicks his foot back towards me. I said you better not have just tried to kick me. And he starts swearing at me, said he didn't try to kick me and I better leave him alone, he's never seen me in the school a single day ever and he doesn't know me. And the swearing was continuous. I told him he needed to stop it with the language and he kept it up and I followed him down the hall because I have no idea who the kids are in the school that I don't work with and I needed a name. Mostly because he came out of a classroom and started attacking kids. If he had just stopped his nonsense and kept walking after I told him to stop I probably would have let it go at that. But he kept up yelling and swearing at me so I went into the nearest classroom to get a teacher who could give me his name. And then I went and reported it. It was absolutely ridiculous and things like that should never happen. But it is not an uncommon thing. The kids hit, kick and jump on each other all the time. But this was not a kid fooling around with his friends (which, that nonsense still needs to stop). 

    I was told that he would get a conduct at the very least. I have no idea what that actually means, but a period later he was in PE. Remember how he said he has never seen me in the school even one time ever? Yeah, he is in the same PE class as my kids and he sees me every single day. I don't memorize the other kids in the PE classes because collectively it is 3 PE classes and I think about 40 kids, or more, not including mine. So yup, sees me every single day. I have a ton of tattoos and purple hair, but he has never seen me ever in the school. Ridiculous. And it's ridiculous that he was then in that class. And that is what makes me the most mad about this whole thing. The kids in the school are so far beyond rambunctious. They are mean, have no respect for the other kids or the staff, and many seem to think the rules don't apply to them. And there are not really a whole lot of consequences for the behavior, so they keep it up. What is going to happen to these kids when they go out into the world? They severely lack in social skills because they are always on their phones. They don't seem to know any words if they are not swears. They don't have any respect for anyone and they think they can say and do whatever they want. 

    Really, what has happened to our society? It is not just at the school I work at where this stuff is happening. I am so tired of hearing the excuse "think of what they went through with covid". EVERYONE went through it. And yes, they are younger and lack the coping skills to have dealt with quarantine and everything that followed, but they should be taught those things. They should be taught that actions have consequences. And I am not at all saying that it is the schools' job to teach these things. It is parents' jobs to teach these things, and to back the schools up when discipline is necessary because rules were not followed and respect was not given. Not only does it seem like so many parents these days seem to think that it is the job of the schools to teach their kids their academics, but also everything else. And with no backup and support from home. So really, what happened? How have things spiraled so far out of control that we seem to be raising a generation that is destined to not be able to function. I understand that parenting is hard, I have been doing it for a very long time. I understand that being a good parent is even harder, and I can confidently say that I raised 2 really good humans who are kind to other people, helpful and polite, and I did a really great job. I could keep on going with this, but I don't really want to. There is a problem with our society and it is getting worse and worse. I don't know what the solution is. Well, yes, I do. People who have kids should actually teach their kids stuff. Teach them some life skills, teach them respect, and manners. Teach them that there is a place and a time for swearing with your friends. Educators can only do just so much if they are not getting support from parents. School is not a babysitting service and school staff can't fix things if they keep on being undone at home. I wish I knew the answer to the problem. I wish I knew how to make people care about their kids. Because letting them do whatever they want, act however they want, speak however they want is not caring. It's laziness. And it's hurting our whole society. 

     OK, well, that's enough of that. The lovely casual western doll (she is $220 plus shipping) in the photo above is for sale. She is on MH$P and so are a variety of other dolls. I have been working away and usually have 1-2 new dolls listed a week. Plus I am putting dolls away for Breyerfest. I am still not sure if I will have any items other than dolls, but it is a possibility. I have some mystery boxes I will likely bring with me. Likely I will also have dolls for sale in different places, depending on the day. But I don't have any of those details worked out at the moment. I will know when we are closer to Breyerfest. 


Anonymous said...

Bravo and well said and written. Kudos to you, keep on keepin' on... Trite, but true. I sure wish I had an answer- you hit the nail on the head. Hugs

Gretchen Haskett said...

Sorry you are dealing with this. I'm afraid we have gone too far...accepting all the possible reasons for bad behavior and eliminating consequences. These kids are in freefall. I am glad we are retired.

Anonymous said...

Ugh I keep hearing nightmare stories in this vein from so many teachers. You're not alone, for what that's worth.

Anonymous said...

Oooo Anne!! I was *so* mad when I read this!! So mad! Because I empathize with you every step of the way! This was very well written with excellent points!!
My father was a high school and later a college musical teacher. If he were alive today, he wouldn't make it in today's teaching environment--because he was hard core "old school ". If he told you to do something *once*, you'd better do so! He was *not* one of those who would go "Now Johnny don't do that sweetie ! Let's take a time out!" NO!! If he told you to "knock it off "--by gosh, you *better* had done it--or there'd be consequences to pay! Least you think his students hated him, they actually *adored* and respected him enough that they *wanted* their children and grandchildren placed in his classes!!
Unlike--NOW!! Just last week, a 75 year old substitute teacher was attacked and punched in the face by a teenage student because the teacher told him to stop punching a girl student in the face!! Do you want to know what happened?? The teacher ended up with bruises and a black eye!! When asked if he wanted to press charges, he , of course, said "YES" -- but then was told by the POLICE that the higher ups told them NOT to arrest or hand cuff the student. The student wasn't put on probation or anything!! As of right now, they're waiting for the the court system to decide the punishment for this juvenile delinquent!!
And you wonder *why* there's school shootings and the like??!!

Anonymous said...

Actually--I'm very saddened by the world's current events! I don't know or have the answers either--except that we can't blame the children for their behavior when we're supposed to be the adults in the room!!
Did you know that 50-60 years ago, that we were required to say the Pledge of Allegiance and somewhere on the school hallway walls was a copy of the Ten Commandments?? At that time, bad behavior was considered running in the hallways and/or chewing gum??
And yet--we let ONE person decide that prayer and religion had no place in our schools and have watched while rapes, bullying, school shootings have all become the "norm"--all because we 'adults" won't say "ENOUGH " to the elected officials who decide for us what we can and cannot do to put an end to this abhorrent behavior!

Anonymous said...

Ms A nne--I am so glad to see you posting and that you haven't forgotten about your readers--even if you touch base once a month!! I'd still like to get one of your dolls one day--maybe I'll catch you at Breyerfest this time!!
I'm so sorry to read that school students are giving the teacher's such a rough way to go!! You people rank up there with other First Responders in my book!! I appreciate everything you do!! Nowadays this has to be a calling and you really have to love what you're doing to tolerate what's going on!!
I'm concerned for the next generation! Not only are some of them not being taught any morals. The older generation doesn't seem to think that one day, it'll be the younger generation that will taking care of them in old age--then what??
I have a friend who's in the same position that you are in--only she works at a day care center taking care of infants up to 4-5 :year olds??
Every week she shares stories of how the higher up officials won't allow the teachers to correct the children's behaviors!! They're not even allowed to tell the children "no" if the child is doing anything remotely harmful to themselves or others!! The older children know this and are always looking for ways to push the boundaries!!
May THE LORD help us to come to our senses before it's too late!! I don't think I could do what you do!! Bless You!!

Anne Field said...

I do not believe there should be prayer or religion in schools. Our country was founded on the basis of religious freedom and taking that away by making people worship what is potentially not their religion, in a public setting, takes away that freedom from many. Unless we are going to rotate through ALL the religions, which would then offend some people, it is better to leave it out of our public schools. We have separation of church and state in the constitution for a reason.

Anne Fiekd said...

In our classroom we know that there are in fact a lot of reasons for unacceptable behavior. There are consequences for behavior in our classroom and we actively work to change the dangerous or disruptive behavior. But we can only do what we do with our group, which is a tiny portion of the school population. At least my team is helping to raise some more good humans.

Anne Field said...

When I was teaching a couple years back I didn’t yell, and I didn’t put up with nonsense in my classroom. I took over from someone that had zero classroom management and fixed the issue. The kids knew I didn’t yell (and if I did it was because of a slur of some kind) but they also knew that didn’t mean that there was a free for all in my class. They knew that being loud or disrespectful would get them written up, or thrown out. And if they tried to interrupt the teaching I would just stop. I didn’t give homework… unless we didn’t finish because you were screwing around. They polices themselves and each other. And those were special ed kids who went through Covid… what we have now, just 2 years later is insane!

timaru star ii said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I do want to say it's OK to vent. I understand that; it's part of blogging and writing. You're amoung friends here. I will try to respect that trust and be pleased I get to see so many sides of the case.

I do worry about the next generation. It is so different from my own. How is it that people could refuse vaccinations for the public good? My generation had no choice! I think there will be turmoil until a longer, larger evolution reveals where the boundaries must be. Meanwhile I am grateful I know the youngsters I do, so full of promise, with good parents. As I've said before, Anne, those kids will someday be glad they knew you.