I'm still in a hobby slump these days. I don't want to buy new things, nothing has really called out to me, I don't want to play with horses, but this arrived in the mail the other day:
When I agreed to do the workshop (asked to do a workshop) I was still all in with Breyer and all things hobby. When it came time to actually make my video I had entered my slump and was super busy at school. I had no room in my head for pretty much anything. It was a super struggle to make the video, and then do the editing. But eventually I managed it. Now I just need to wait for Breyerfest time and see if that gives me any my interest in hobby things.

The good news is this week I am finding I have more energy to do things. I am still really tired, but I am getting more done than I was. For sure. I have been working on getting photos and listing some things for sale. I have done some larger cleaning and organizing projects. And I have gotten back into making dolls. The things I am most excited about are being able to sleep later, which translates to also getting to stay up a bit later. And I can read books. Not just one or two pages at a time, but 50 or 60 pages. I don't always have the attention span for that, but when I do, it's awesome.
I am kind of looking forward to the summer program, though it will be another adjustment. It's just 3 hours a day, 4 days a week, for 4 weeks. And it will be different and I get to learn some new things. I do love learning new things. I think I will also keep on working on dolls.
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