Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Horsefest Day 2

    I am already incredibly tired and we are still here for another 5 and a half days I have walked SO MUCH and we haven't even gone to the horse park yet! I had over 20,000 steps yesterday and I have close to 20,000 steps today. My whole body hurts. I am really hoping I get some excellent sleep tonight. That would be good. Last night we were up way too late and of course I woke up way too early. Because that is what I do. I can't seem to get out of that habit, not even for the summer. 
     Today I went bourbon hunting. I wanted to find things that I can't get outside of Kentucky. I did some research before we came down here and I needed to go and check out Justin's House of Bourbon. They do carry some things that you can only get locally so I tried a few and decided to get these two. I am not 100% in love with them, they are good, but they are not going to disappear quickly. But it will be nice to add some harder to get ones to my collection. Then I have interesting things to share when people come over. 
     I also went to the Fresh distillery and had a fantastic conversation with the guy that actually makes this bourbon. We talked about bourbon, and my doll making. He, and the woman in the shop, had never heard of the model horse hobby. I fixed that. It was a really great conversation, and while I liked both types of Fresh bourbon, this one can only be bought in that shop. So this was the one that had to come home with me. 
     This shirt also made me laugh. So I got one of them. So far I have not bought any model horses for myself. And the one unpainted resin I have seen so far that I kind of want is the only photo I forgot to mark the room number on. So maybe I will find the horse again. Or maybe it wasn't meant to be. I am pleased though that I have been here for 2 days and I haven't bought any model horse things. And I have looked at a lot of them. 
    We spent some time hanging out with Sue Bensema Young in her room where she very kindly let me set up my dolls and things to sell. The photo from the top of the post was actually from then. Travis was tired, I was tired, Sue was finishing up one of the tack auctions, and it was quiet. Travis was leaning on me, clearly he was ready to be done, and I got that photo. We did stay a bit more, I sold some dolls, and then we came back to the Griffin Gate. I asked Travis if he wanted to watch a movie or go to the pool. He chose the pool. Apparently he wasn't all that tired after all. 
   Today was another good day. We didn't have much planned but we did a variety of things. We did some visiting early in the day, went and hunted for local bourbons, did some errands again (I think we may have enough food for the week now), we came back to the hotel and took a nap with a movie on. Then housekeeping showed up at almost 4:00 so we went to the CHIN to walk around. I got tired and my feet hurt, so we came back to the hotel to eat a bit, so I could tape up my foot, and we finished watching Back to the Future 2. We were going to start on part 3 tonight but I have to judge at Resin Renaissance tomorrow. And shows start too early, lol. So I think we will just go to bed. Tomorrow starts the days of official plans. Resin Renaissance and hopefully at least a stop in Mojo Dojo Casa Horse. Or maybe it's just the kick off party at the pool tomorrow. Well, I know Travis loves the pool. We'll see how we feel tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn’t Kentucky the only place in the world that produces Bourbon? I love reading about your adventures, thank you for sharing!