Saturday, July 13, 2024

Horsefest Trip Day 5

     I am incredibly tired and need to just post quickly so I can get to bed. I know, I could skip this, especially since it's almost midnight, but I have done it every day of the trip, I might as well keep on it. Anyway, this was Travis last night and I just really liked this picture. 
And this was Travis at the Equilocity, Art of the Horse show. He is very into that new book!
      Here is one view of the show hall. It was really nice in there. I will share more in depth about the show, soon. But not tonight. Tonight I need to sleep. 
     I stopped by the artisan's gallery to take a quick look at a horse again and decided I needed to buy this. It fits nicely on Athenian lady, and I will have to stick it on her when I get home. But not now, she's still in her box. But maybe I will go and buy bubble wrap before we leave and I can take both of them out of their boxes and get rid of them (the boxes). That might be a good plan. 
     I went to Danielle Feldman's room to sell tonight. It was very chill and Travis was quite comfortable. As evidenced by this picture. It was a pretty good day. But a very long day. And now I am exhausted. Horse park tomorrow. Probably. 

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