Thursday, July 11, 2024

Horsefest Trip Day 3

     Today was our third day in Kentucky, and the first day that we actually had something planned. Today I judged performance at the Resin Renaissance. We had to get up early, neither of us was a fan of that, but we had fluffer-nutters for breakfast. One of these days we need to go out and have a southern breakfast, but today, we had a New England specialty. And it was good. 
     Travis hung out at my show table, and was having a really great time. More often than not, I was at least this far away from him. He was chill the whole time. Several people stopped to say hi to him and he seemed pleased with that as well. 
     The performance division was sadly quite small, but there were some cool entries. This one made me laugh and laugh! Yes, that doll is wearing a bra with water balloons in it!
     I also really loved this entry. It had a really nice use of dolls, which is always a thing I appreciate. 
      Here's another picture of Travis chilling out. He sat at this table all day. We left the hall a bit after 5:00 and he hadn't moved from his spot. He did stand up for a bit at one point, but that was it. He watched some movies and then, when he got tired of that, he just watched people. There is a lot to see at a model horse show after all!
     Being up late last night and getting up early this morning was too much for Travis. He took a little nap on the way to dinner. I wanted one too, but I had to drive. 
     After dinner, we went and got some horsefest essentials. I had no idea they were essentials until I got here. My back has been hurting, really for months, so the Salonpas seemed like a really great idea. And I have been averaging a bit over 20,000 steps a day since we got here. My feet and legs hurt. A lot. So I got some Epsom salt to attempt to ease the pain. I use it at home, after a dance night, but it is now going to be a Breyerfest essential. I soaked my feet after Resin Ren and then went over to the Clarion for a while. Not much time for doll selling today, but I did sell a couple.  
I saw this sign while I was there, and that made me laugh too. 
      While I was visiting with The Mares in Black, and the Lains, I saw Link and Tiny Tony. It's fun how much cool stuff is hanging out in people's rooms at the CHIN. 

     We got back to the Marriot and I stopped by Mojo Dojo Casa Horse for a couple of minutes and I bought a meltie horse from Kylee. This was the first model horse purchase of the trip. I might get some others, and my Breyer Special runs, but we'll see. Tomorrow we go to Breyerfest! I am hoping to find more people I know to take pictures with. It has been really cool seeing people I know and meeting people I have only ever met online. And we're here for 5 more days. 

1 comment:

timaru star ii said...

Good grief Beowolf!! I was in there twice and didn't see him (them) at all. Yes, there is a lot to look at during a model show...