Friday, November 5, 2021

Dog Sets

     Last week I posted about how the miniature basketballs I ordered had arrived. Well, some of them. I still have lots of them on the way, so eventually I can make bunches more dog sets. It didn't bother me to order the extras, I knew that sooner or later I would need the stuff. Sunday I finally got a chance to put together some sets and get photos. Currently I have 8 dog sets in my inventory for the Black Friday sale, which will be November 26th sometime in the afternoon (still working on that). 
     I've lost a bit of steam and I feel like I have forgotten one or two types of miniatures I was going to try to make for the sale. I guess I still have time to try to remember. I may potentially make a couple more of each type of miniature, I will need to see what I can talk myself into and find time for. But at least I have some dog sets all ready to go!

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