Tuesday, December 7, 2021


      This doll is supposed to be Anna from Frozen. She is not exact and she was never going to be. The designs on Anna's skirts are much too elaborate for me to put on. If I had found ribbon with a leaf pattern, I would have used that. But no. I tried to draw it on with paint markers. But no, it looked horrible. So she is just wearing the right colors. The good news is when I asked Travis who it was he told me it was Anna. I guess I did a good job. 

     School has been up and down again. Monday was really down and I was super frustrated and overwhelmed. Again. Then yesterday morning I told myself I was going to have a good day. And I did. I made a lot of progress in catching up to make everything work the way it is supposed to. I got all the assignments into the computer, and all the grades added in as well. Progress was made. I have not lost my mind yet. But there is always tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monday was really down for me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thank you for sharing your Frozen doll, she does indeed look like Anna! I can't quite see, does she have freckles?