Saturday, March 12, 2022

Lazy Weekend

     Technically, I am a professional photographer. Since I have been the paid photographer at multiple weddings. But before someone corrects me in the comments, I understand completely that, usually, being a paid professional means that is your main source of income. And being a professional doesn't mean you necessarily even make money at the thing, but you likely have very complete knowledge on the topic. Anyway, the only point to that is to say that I often take really crappy photos. Some of it was because the camera I had, that was a really good camera when I bought it, became much less good over the years. And some of it is because I don't always know the best way to take a really good photo. But sometimes I can catch a really excellent photo. Or, as in the case of the above photo, I can crop it down to the essential elements that make it a really excellent photo. To me, this photo is all about connections. Travis is connecting with his horse (Scooby). The instructor, whose name I have now forgotten (but it might be Anna), is connected to both Travis and Scooby. Connections are where therapy begins. Therapeutic riding is very much about connections. This blog post isn't. I just needed a photo so the post would not suck. All posts need photos. And I happen to like this one a lot. 
     As the title of the post states, it has been a lazy weekend so far. Travis and I went and got the weekend errands done on Friday, instead of me working on a doll like I probably should have, which left Saturday open to doing nothing if that was what I wanted. The weather was horrible, we started off with rain, which switched over to sleet, then switched to snow and back to sleet. And it was cold. After a couple of days in the 50's, cold, winter weather is just awful. Not that I enjoy it at the best of times. I want Gail's "cold" 80 degree day. That sounds nice. 
     So the weather was bad and I had no plans to go anywhere. I put more colors in my hair, since they faded out so quickly this time around. I don't know if they are just not getting into the hair anymore or if maybe *gasp* Overtone changed their formula and it's not as good. But it does not seem to have quite the staying power that it did years ago. Some colors are better than others, but it really fades super fast now. Makes me sad. Other than putting colors in my hair I thought about working on a doll. That didn't happen. I thought about going through the tack room or props bin to see what else I might want to let go of. That also didn't happen.              What I ended up doing was reading. A lot. And it was nice. It was not useful to anyone but it sure did make me happy. And I am into that sort of thing. I think I'll do it more often. The book I am reading is about mythology. It has a variety of stories from all sorts of sources, with a bit of analysis of the author's opinion of the meaning of the story. Funny enough, the first story was about the origin of stories and why they are important to us. Stories give us connections to our past. So I guess maybe this post was about connection. That is an interesting turn of events that I didn't plan on. I am looking forward to reading more of the stories and seeing how they can connect to my life. That should be fun. 


1 comment:

ELauer said...

You say that your book reading "was not useful to anyone" but if reading made you happy, then it's absolutely useful and I hope it made your weekend relaxing. Sometimes you just need to do something that makes YOU happy, and that's perfectly o.k. :)