Friday, April 22, 2022


     Yesterday I decided it was time to make saddlebag stuff. So I printed out my sheets of stuff, turned on NCIS, and I worked on making things for the saddlebags. The really good news is even though I pretty much hate making saddlebags, I had no problem making the stuff that goes in them. It takes a while, there is a lot of stuff in them, but I didn't have to push myself to much to finish, like I did with the pet toys. So that's something. 
     I also decided that this time around I did not want to make the pommel bags at all. So I didn't. Unless something changes before my live sale in August, these will be the bags and what is in them. I switched out the bags of trail mix for crackers and I added a small carrot as well as an apple. It made me happy, so I did it.

      Yesterday was a pretty good day. I got a bunch of things made, and a lot more things sorted into their sets. The weather wasn't horrible and Travis and I got out to enjoy the day a bit. The only things is, it's now very close to Monday. Which means I have to go back to school soon. And I don't want to. 



Unknown said...

I had tried purchasing these before on Etsy, I believe. How may I purchase them now? Thanks, Jen

Anne Field said...

I have not had these on Etsy in years. They are only available during my live sales. The next one will be in August.